So, we’ve released Firebase Community Edition. Now there’s a Java game server which is open source and available to be used. Now what?
Well, here’s what! There’s a couple of things we’d like to get out of the door immediately and some of them will start appearing soon indeed:
- Script support: Java 6 has build in support for JavaScript and can be extended to support a rather large list of script engines. We’d like to add support for writing your game using any of these script languages. We’d love to see the first Ruby+Flash game out there!
- IDE support: We already have proto code for some Eclipse plugins lying about, and these should be polished up and released. Of course, you can always use our Maven archetypes and plugins, and then import into Eclipse, but direct support would be nice too. Of course, if anyone want to use NetBeans weed have to figure out something for you to eh?
- Documentation: It’s sparse at the moment and needs to be fleshed out. We hope you’d like to help us here by simply telling us what is missing and asking us about all those things weäve forgotten to write down. Or indeed wasn’t explained properly.
- IoC support: This is a biggy. Again we have proto code for for Guice lying about which needs to be fixed and published, but obviously we need to add direct support for Spring as well. Actually, you can write your components in Guice now but you’d have to wire it together yourself. Spring needs to be tested, so let us get back to you on that, ok?
And that’s what we want to do the immediate future. Watch this space, this is going to be fun!