

Poker Demo

We are now happy to offically announce our poker network demo!
The demo comes in three different variants:

Virtual machine in Open Virtualization archive format (.ova)

This file can be imported in various Virtualization hosts.
We have tested and created it in VirtualBox but others should work too.


The Windows version comes in a zipped file and contains everything needed to run the poker network demo.

Bash shell script

A simple bash script to bootstrap a complete poker demo network for your own environment.

The Virtual machine

The virtual machine is running 32bit Arch Linux.
When you start it will autologin as the root user.


The first thing you need to do is to build the network, this process downloads all the relevant binaries and sets up the databases for initial use.
This process can be repeated whenever you wish to do a clean start.
To perform a build:

cd /root/pokerdemo
./pokerdemo.sh build

Start the network

To start the network:

cd /root/pokerdemo
./pokerdemo.sh start


Press CTRL+C to terminate.


  • Any virtualization host that can import an Open Virtualization Format archive (.ova)


The windows version already contains all necessary parts,
all you need to do is to execute pokerdemo.exe inside the pokerdemo directory


  • Windows XP or higher.
  • 1 GB RAM

Bash shell script

The bash shell script downloads the pokerdemo environments and executes the build process as describe in the Virtual machine section.


  • bash
  • wget or curl
  • jdk (java7 or higher)